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(700)ノウゼンカズラ(凌霄花)/ Trumpet Creeper, Chinese Trumpet Vine -
(699)コオニユリ(小鬼百合)/ Maximowicz's Lily 、Tiger Lily -
(698)ヤマユリ(山百合)/Golden-Rayed Lily -
(697)ヤマユリ(山百合)/Golden-Rayed Lily -
(696)ヤブカンゾウ(薮萓草)/Day Lily, Common Day Lily, Double Day Lily -
(695)ランタナ/ Shrub Verbenas, Lantanas -
(694)タイサンボク(大盞木、泰山木、大山木)/ Bull Bay, Southern Magnolia -
(693)オオガハス(大賀蓮)/ Ancient Lotus -
(692)アガパンサス/ African Lilies, Lilies-of-the-Nile, Agapanthus -
(691)アガパンサス/ African Lilies, Lilies-of-the-Nile, Agapanthus -
(690)アガパンサス/ African Lilies, Lilies-of-the-Nile, Agapanthus -
(689)ガクアジサイ(額紫陽花)/ Lacecap Hydrangea, Hydrangea -
(688)ガクアジサイ(額紫陽花)/ Lacecap Hydrangea, Hydrangea -
(687)ガクアジサイ(額紫陽花)/ Lacecap Hydrangea, Hydrangea -
(686)タチアオイ(立葵)/ Common Hollyhock, Hollyhock -
(685)アジアティック・ハイブリッドユリ(百合)/ Asiatic Hybrids Lily -
(684)オオガハス(大賀蓮)/ Ancient Lotus -
(683)オオガハス(大賀蓮)/ Ancient Lotus -
(682)ヒメフウロ(姫風露)/Herb Robert, Robert Geranium -
(681)アメリカフウロ(亜米利加風露) /Carolina Geranium, Carolina Crane's Bill, Pink Carolina Cranes-bill -
(680)スイレン(睡蓮)/ Water Lily -
(679)オオムギ(大麦)/ Berley -
(678)ドクダミ(毒矯み、毒痛み)/Fish Mint, Fish Herb, Fish Wort -
(677)ドクダミ(毒矯み、毒痛み)/Fish Mint, Fish Herb, Fish Wort -
(676)バラ(薔薇)/ Rose -
(675)キショウブ(黄菖蒲)/Yellow Iris, Yellow Flag -
(674)ハナショウブ(花菖蒲)/Japanese Iris, Sword leaved Iris, Flower Iris -
(673)バラ(薔薇)/ Rose -
(672)バラ(薔薇)/ Rose
(671)バラ(薔薇)/ Rose
(670)バラ(薔薇)/ Rose
(669)バラ(薔薇)/ Rose
(668)バラ(薔薇)/ Rose
(667)オオアマナ(大甘菜)/Garden Star-of-Bethlehem, Grass Lily, Nap-at-Noon, Eleven-o'clock Lady
(666)オオアマナ(大甘菜)/Garden Star-of-Bethlehem, Grass Lily, Nap-at-Noon, Eleven-o'clock Lady
(665)ユキノシタ(雪の下)/ Strawberry Saxifrage, Strawberry Geranium
(664)キンラン(金蘭) /Japanese Native Orchid
(663)アヤメ(菖蒲、文目)/Siberian Iris
(662)ヤマボウシ(山法師・山帽子)/ Kousa Dogwood, Japanese(Chinese/Korean) Dogwood
(661)オダマキ(苧環)、セイヨウオダマキ(西洋苧環)/ Columbine
(660)ハナショウブ(花菖蒲)/Japanese Iris, Sword leaved Iris, Flower Iris
(659)ハナショウブ(花菖蒲)/Japanese Iris, Sword leaved Iris, Flower Iris
(658)アヤメ(菖蒲、文目)/Siberian Iris
(657)サクラ(桜)、ヤマザクラ(山桜) /Cherry Blossom, Yama-Zakura, Mountain Cherry, Hill Cherry
(656)スズラン(鈴蘭)/ Lily of the Valley -
(655)スズラン(鈴蘭)/ Lily of the Valley -
(654)ミツカドネギ(三角葱)/Three-Cornered Leek -
(653)ミツカドネギ(三角葱)/Three-Cornered Leek -
(652)シモクレン(紫木蓮)/ Lily Magnolia -
(651)ハナモモ(花桃)/Hana Peach, Flowering Peach Trees :Instagram-2022/4 uploaded**